Monday, December 05, 2005

Feeling Healthy

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.
- Pooh's Little Instruction Book

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundances, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness.
- Joseph Addison

Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!
- Lewis Carroll, "Through the Looking Glass"

This is a dangerous time of the year. The weather outside is, well ... frightful. Alcohol and holiday food are everywhere. Cold and flu germs hide on every surface. As I lie in my warm little bed under my down comforter, somewhere within me resides the desire to hibernate, to conserve my energy, to store my self-heating fat.

I’m currently on schedule with my running to complete my marathon. I’m healthy right now and dang it, I refuse to get less so. Screw all potential saboteurs. I resolve to:

1. Get enough sleep.
2. Abstain from drinking alcohol.
3. Drink enough water.
4. Wear warm enough clothing when I run.
5. Get my rear-end out in the freezing cold and do my required miles.

I will do these things because I know they will keep my attitude positive. Each time I do these things, doing them again will be easier.

C'mon tribe: Do 'em with me, won't you?


Anonymous said...

Good Girl!! I'm impressed.

Doseydotes said...

Yes. I thought to myself, when my humble little Chiefies bitch-slapped your boughie Broncos last weekend: Criminee . . .we must be in for some downright COLD weather.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me....I don't think a score of 31-27 constitutes bitch-slapping. However, maybe 30-10 does!!!