Thursday, July 11, 2019

Joel is Painting

Joel is painting. Standing over the paper. Pools of water sit there, waiting for him to drop in the pigment. And the magic swirls around. Don’t laugh – it is magic. It does what it wants, and he coaxes it along. Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. He twirls his magic wand. Sometimes it obeys. Sometimes it gets away and dances everywhere.

Joel is all about letting things do what they want. He doesn’t boss. But don’t expect him to stop you if you decide to do something dumb. He’s gonna come along for the ride. He’ll be right there with you. In it, beside you.

I’ve probably not heard all of his stories yet, but I’ve heard a lot of them, and I can assure you, there’s a theme. He’s usually with somebody who’s decided to do something crazy, and he’s right there, doing it, too.

I’m always worrying about everything. “You worry too much,” he declares, and I think, Yeah, somebody better worry. But it gets in my art. I can’t let go of the controls. That’s why I like to draw – there’s so much control. Then I add a little watercolor and everything goes nuts. “That’s what I like,” Joel says, and I think, I know.