Thursday, July 11, 2019

Joel is Painting

Joel is painting. Standing over the paper. Pools of water sit there, waiting for him to drop in the pigment. And the magic swirls around. Don’t laugh – it is magic. It does what it wants, and he coaxes it along. Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. He twirls his magic wand. Sometimes it obeys. Sometimes it gets away and dances everywhere.

Joel is all about letting things do what they want. He doesn’t boss. But don’t expect him to stop you if you decide to do something dumb. He’s gonna come along for the ride. He’ll be right there with you. In it, beside you.

I’ve probably not heard all of his stories yet, but I’ve heard a lot of them, and I can assure you, there’s a theme. He’s usually with somebody who’s decided to do something crazy, and he’s right there, doing it, too.

I’m always worrying about everything. “You worry too much,” he declares, and I think, Yeah, somebody better worry. But it gets in my art. I can’t let go of the controls. That’s why I like to draw – there’s so much control. Then I add a little watercolor and everything goes nuts. “That’s what I like,” Joel says, and I think, I know.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


You lean in, lips almost
Touching my ear
Your whisper
Humidifying my hair
And every one of my
Individual molecules
Strain toward
All of me aching
To get closer
Every drop of water
That makes up
Tries to bead on
My surface
I have to use my
Higher brain
To control the
Reptile part
To remain civilized
Against my body’s will
It reminds me of playing
In the garden as a child
The irrigation water
Rushing past cornstalks
Washing iron filings up
In the Colorado sand
I could gather scads of
The black, hairlike filings
With a magnet
Held inches away
They would leap
Through thin air
Pulled helplessly
Just like me
To you

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Your Love is a Truck Farm

When you’re starving
And you find a little patch
Of strawberries, or
Maybe some raspberries
Growing in the forest
They taste amazing
So tangy, so sweet
And you’re grateful
They keep you alive
But they don’t last long
And soon you’re longing
For something, anything
Even the tiniest bite
And you nearly give up
But then there’s an acorn
And it’s bitter, but
Still you’re grateful
And you tell yourself
That it isn’t bitter
And you tell yourself
That you’re full
You really are
You don’t need
More than this
This is enough
This should be
Good enough

Then one day
You stumble upon
A truck farm
There are beans
And squash
And sweet corn
There is so much
That you almost
Make yourself sick
And days and weeks later
You realize you haven’t
About getting enough
For a very long time
You find a ripe strawberry
The most beautiful one
The sweetest one
And you just enjoy it
It doesn’t keep you alive
All by itself
You weren’t desperate
When you found it
But it reminds you
Of all those scary days
When you were starving
And there wasn’t
Nearly enough
So you savor it
Then it’s gone
But that’s okay
Because there’s
Another one
Right here