Sunday, February 18, 2018

Being Afraid

Being afraid is scary
Even, you could say
Alone in the night, yet
Surrounded by painted
Women, their other worldly
Vivid, watching eyes
Looking at me
From inside of me
The call is coming
From inside the house
They are in my veins, in my
Very cells, and it is
All I can sometimes do
To paint them out of me
Put them on paper
Yet once there, they haunt me
When people look at them
They say, Oh how pretty
Or, too much paint
But they don't see the
Blood, though it is
Right in front of them
They don't see the strings
Of heart muscle and
Tendons where they
Were ripped out of me
With a gore-covered

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Twenty Years

When we were children
Promising to be with someone
For a lifetime seemed easy
We had no idea how hard
Such a thing really is

Yet when we were children
Twenty years was long
Time beyond imagining
This kind of contradiction
Is the province of youth

Now we know twenty years
Will be gone in a blink
And these days, twenty years
Really is a lifetime, almost
Or at least the rest of a life

And it has become easy again
To promise the rest of a life
When it is twenty years or so
The only trouble is that now
Twenty years is not enough

Saturday, February 10, 2018

All In

If you stand on the edge of a stream
With your back to the water and close
Your eyes, tipping your head to the sky
You feel as though you’re in the stream
Or falling toward it and you can’t help
But open your eyes to catch yourself
It is human nature, or maybe animals
Do this too, we can’t really ask them
And they don’t exactly cooperate in
Philosophical endeavors, which is
What separates us from them, I suppose
But we do this all the time in our
Everyday lives, we tip our heads back
And imagine we’re in the stream
Just to see how it would feel
Sometimes the stream is a new job
Or a potential new lover, sometimes
It’s the idea of having a child or even
Leaving a spouse behind, finally
But we usually open our eyes and
Catch ourselves, except sometimes
We just let ourselves fall in the river
We fall in and float down a little way
And if we’re lucky, the water takes us
To a new and happier place, a place
Full of love and sunshine and music
And food and art and a soft bed
To lay our heads at night and isn’t
It nice to think the world is a place
Where that kind of happiness can come
Just from tipping your head back
Closing your eyes, and letting go?

Friday, February 09, 2018


While walking down a snowy road
On a lonely sojourn that took me
Some distance into the country
I encountered a vixen
Having given birth by the side
Of the dirt and gravel road after
Being struck by a passing vehicle.
Her gestation was at an end.
Her kits were gone, frozen
In the bright red snow, but
The vixen looked at me with
A glittering, aware golden eye.
She panted a cloud of steam
That froze instantly in the air.
I could do nothing for her
Except end her suffering, and
I was weak and failed her
In this one important task.
So I squatted and waited for
The cold to do its work.
She chuffed at me, and yawned
A startling and unexpected action
But I whispered, “You’re tired,
Girl, go to sleep now,” and
She seemed to hear me and
Closed her golden eye.
I heard a yip, and looked up to see
What was probably her mate
Turn and dash into the undergrowth.
When I looked back at the vixen
I saw that her breathing had stopped
And she, too, was gone.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018


Tell me a story into my ear
Ever so, very so, tenderly quietly
So that none of the passers beside us can hear
A tale of familial loss of propriety

Or maybe, this time, a tale about skin
Some with a glacial, pale, crystal whiteness
Some that is so dark that light can’t get in
It contrasts so sweetly right next to the brightness

Or perhaps you will tell of a pink butterfly
And a glittery serpent that seeks only to hide
Your stories, they play on my mind’s inner eye
And carry us both on a crazy joyride

So I wait for the next installment to come
Buoyed by the waves of my own appetite
For your fairytales, darkly and stickily spun
In feverish whispers under cover of night

Thursday, February 01, 2018

The Butterfly and the Coachwhip

A little pink butterfly
Flaps its delicate wings
Riding the wind to find
A place it can safely rest.
It lights upon a reed
Moving softly back and forth
In the light morning breeze.
Beneath the reed, a coachwhip
Swims in the river current
Dusky rose, sleek and intent.
The butterfly slowly flaps
Still settled on the oscillating reed
And a little pink butterfly dust
Sifts through the air currents






And the snake’s tongue darts
The particles out of the air.
Breathes the coachwhip.
The butterfly is startled
And lifts off of the reed.
The shadow of a sparrow
Passes overhead, momentarily
Blotting out the sun.
This is how small and delicate
The butterfly is – a sparrow
Can shade its view of the sun.
The butterfly quickly lights again
Trembling in fear of the sparrow
And tries to look like a flower.
“You should move lower”
Whispers the serpent
“Reed blossoms are down here
Not up there.” This is a lie
But the butterfly isn’t sure.
She can see no blossoms anywhere
And she wasn’t alive last spring.
She moves down a few inches.
“A little bit mooooooore,”
Breathes the snake, tongue flicking.
Now the musky scent of the butterfly
Has become almost maddening.
The butterfly is afraid, but
The voice of the coachwhip
Is hypnotic, and she moves down
Before she knows what she’s doing.
The snake’s flicking tongue
Touches the edge of her pink wing
And she trembles again in fear
And with something else – what is it?
A kind of hunger and thirst
She’s never felt before, and
She suddenly feels bone tired.
She has flown alone for days.
Flying any further is impossible.
She actually sighs with relief
When she feels the snake’s
Breath envelop her, its jaws closing
And its tongue flicking, flicking.